Saturday, February 21, 2009

In Focus: sledgehammer follow up

Just thought I would share a funny call:

Friend, client and frequent ally on PR campaigns Todd Diorio, head of Laborers Local 17 and president of the Hudson Valley Building Trades Council, called to say nice pic of me with a sledgehammer, but he was "pretty sure that was the first time I held a sledge hammer."

He was wrong - but not far off.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Taking my own advice

I tell all my PR and marketing clients: double down on advertising in a bad economy to bring in new business and show the market place your confidence and relevance!
Today 6,000 glossy, magazine-style Focus Media newsletters (In Focus) hit targeted businesses across the Hudson Valley. This sledgehammer ad is a page of the newsletter, yes bold, but don't we have to be to get noticed in this economy.
My first blog ever, and my golden rule: if it is good for the clients you counsel - make sure you would do it yourself!
By the way, In Focus dedicated a full page announcing the mighty Jay Townsend as Focus Media's new COO. Jay is one of the most brilliant marketers I have ever met, and since joining us in December, has raised our "A-game" with enhanced critical thinking and strategies. In Focus can be downloaded at

We're Live!

First blog coming soon!